Bataan Death March

Franklin D Roosevelt

Definition and Summary of Bataan Death March
Summary and Definition: A few hours following the surprise attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked American airfields in the Philippines. Badly outnumbered the US and Filipino forces were forced to retreat to the Bataan Peninsula. The forces held out for 99 days but were forced to surrender to the Japanese on April 9, 1942. The Bataan Death March in the Philippines was the name given to the 66 mile (106 km) journey that was endured by 75,000 Japanese prisoners of war, consisting of 12,000 Americans and the remainder Filipinos.

On April 9, 1942 the prisoners of war were ordered to march to Balanga, the capital of Bataan. Camp O'Donnell, a facility used the United States Air Force, was the final stop of the Bataan Death March and was used as an internment camp at Capas. The Bataan Death March was characterized by severe physical abuse and atrocities committed by the Japanese as prisoners were beaten, shot, bayoneted and, in many cases, beheaded. It is estimated that only 65,000 survived the infamous Bataan Death March and many more died at Camp O'Donnell.


Bataan Death March Facts and the Fall of the Philippines
Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd American President who served in office from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945. One of the important events during his presidency was the Fall of the Philippines and the Bataan Death March.

Bataan Death March Facts for kids: The Fall of the Philippines
The following fact sheet contains interesting information, history and facts on Bataan Death March for kids.

Bataan Death March Facts for kids: The Fall of the Philippines

Bataan Death March Facts - 1: The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 was timed to coincide with attacks on the Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Thailand.

Bataan Death March Facts - 2: In July 1941 General Douglas MacArthur had been sent to the Philippines to build up American defenses.

Bataan Death March Facts - 3: A few hours after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the Japanese attacked US airfields in the Philippines. The majority of General MacArthur's aircraft in the Philippines were destroyed by the Japanese on the same day they made the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

Bataan Death March Facts - 4: The Japanese military landed on the Philippine Islands two days after their bombing attack on December 9, 1941.

Bataan Death March Facts - 5: The American and Filipino troops were vastly outnumbered by the invading Japanese and their commander, General Douglas MacArthur, and following the fall of Manila (January 2, 1942) ordered their retreat to the Bataan Peninsula

Bataan Death March Facts - 6: The Bataan Peninsula, located in western Luzon, Philippines, is about 30 miles (50 km) long and 15 miles (25 km) wide with Corregidor Island lying just off its southern tip at the entrance of Manila Bay.

Bataan Death March Facts - 7: The Bataan Peninsula was an arduous terrain consisting of jungle and mountain regions. The Battle of Bataan lasted from 7 January – 9 April 1942 (3 months, and 2 days). The troops had few supplies and conditions led to men being hit with various diseases such as dysentery, scurvy and malaria.

Bataan Death March Facts - 8: President Roosevelt realized that the death or capture of General MacArthur by the Japanese would have devastating effects and demoralize the nation. He therefore ordered MacArthur to leave Bataan.

Bataan Death March Facts - 9: On the night of 12 March, 1941 General MacArthur, his family, and several  staff officers left Corregidor and evacuated to Australia and handed command over to General Wainwright. When General MacArthur reached Australia he made his famous promise saying, "I came through and I shall return."

Bataan Death March Facts - 10: On March 24 Japanese artillery and aircraft mounted a massive attack on American positions on Bataan and Corregidor and the exhausted fighters were forced back. General Wainwright withdrew as much of his force as possible to the fortress island of Corregidor in Manila Bay.


Bataan Death March Facts for kids: The Fall of the Philippines

Facts about the Bataan Death March Facts for kids
The following fact sheet continues with interesting information, history and facts on Bataan Death March for kids.

Bataan Death March Facts for kids: The Fall of the Philippines

Bataan Death March Facts - 11: There were no reinforcements and on April 9, 1942, the weary US and Filipino defenders of Bataan finally surrendered as resistance collapses under the fierce Japanese attacks. The delay had cost the Japanese military valuable time and prohibited immediate victory across the Pacific.

Bataan Death March Facts - 12: The estimated 75,000 Japanese prisoners of war, consisted of about 12,000 Americans and the remainder Filipinos.

Bataan Death March Facts - 13: The surrender was treated with utter contempt by the Japanese as they believed strongly in the honor brought by fighting to the death. The captured American and Filipino POWs from Bataan were therefore deemed  unworthy of respect. To show their contempt and disgust, the Japanese guards tortured their prisoners throughout the Bataan Death March.

Bataan Death March Facts - 14: The troops gathered at various points on Bataan from Mariveles on the tip of Bataan to San Fernando. At San Fernando, the troops were literally shoved and crammed into small railroad cars with no room to sit down. They were then released from the boxcars and faced an additional nine-mile walk from Capus to Camp O'Donnell

Bataan Death March Facts - 15: The Bataan Death March was a 66 mile (106 km) journey that was to be completed in the blazing sun, with little water and food in six days.

Bataan Death March Facts - 16: The lack of water took a terrible toll on the prisoners and the Japanese took great delight in shooting any prisoners who attempted to drink from the clean water in the wells they passed along the way.

Bataan Death March Facts - 17: The thirst was made even worse by the torturous treatment of the Japanese who made the POW's sit in the hot sun without any shade. The starving POW's were given just one meal of rice during the entire journey.

Bataan Death March Facts - 18: Prisoners were beaten, shot, bayoneted and, in many cases, beheaded. They were weak from the march, suffering from malnutrition and diseases. If anyone fell behind during the march they were either shot, bayoneted or beheaded by the Japanese "buzzard squads" who were responsible for killing any men who were unable to keep up.

Bataan Death March Facts - 19: More than 10,000 men died on the Bataan Death March.

Bataan Death March Facts - 20: At the end of WW2, the Japanese commander of the invasion forces in the Philippines, Lieut. Gen. Homma Masaharu, was charged with responsibility for the Bataan Death March and the atrocities and abuses at Camp O’Donnell. Masaharu was tried in Manila and convicted by a U.S. military commission. He was executed by firing squad on April 3, 1946.

Bataan Death March Facts - 21: Homage is paid to the victims of the Bataan Death March every April on Bataan Day in the Philippines.

Bataan Death March Facts for kids: The Fall of the Philippines

Important US Battles in WW2
For visitors interested in the important US battles in WW2 refer to the following articles:

Bataan Death March Facts for kids - President Franklin Roosevelt Video
The article on the Bataan Death March and the Fall of the Philippines provides detailed facts and a summary of one of the important events during his presidential term in office. The following Franklin Roosevelt video will give you additional important facts and dates about the political events experienced by the 32nd American President whose presidency spanned from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945.

Bataan Death March Facts

● Interesting Facts about Bataan Death March for kids and schools
● Bataan Death March Facts for kids
● Bataan Death March Facts with important dates and key events
● Franklin Roosevelt Presidency from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945
● Fast, fun, Bataan Death March Facts for kids
● Foreign & Domestic policies of President Franklin Roosevelt
● Franklin Roosevelt Presidency and Bataan Death March Facts for schools, homework, kids and children

Bataan Death March Facts - US History - Facts - Major Event - Bataan Death March Facts - Definition - American - US - USA - Bataan Death March Facts - America - Dates - United States - Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important - Facts - Issues - Key - Main - Major - Events - History - Interesting - Bataan Death March Facts - Info - Information - American History - Facts - Historical - Major Events - Bataan Death March Facts

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